Landing Page Program Stats
Note: The goal of the APWG/CMU Phishing Education Landing Page program is to instruct consumers on
online safety at the "most teachable moment": when they have just
clicked on a link in a phishing communication. As part of the process of
shutting down phishing web sites, these sites are being redirected to so that consumers will receive an
educational "landing page" rather than an error page. The log files from
the landing page have been analyzed and summary data is reported here to
provide insights into phishing trends. Current statistics below, download history here. |
Month: 9/2010
Report type: Comprehensive report
Days in reporting period: 30
Log data has been filtered to remove hits that are likely to be the results of robots, brand monitoring, or other activities unlikely to represent visits by potential phishing victims.
Total non-filtered hits: 53911
Total unique non-filtered URLs: 862
Total hits from urls with five or fewer hits: 302
Total unique urls with five or fewer hits: 202
Total Hits: 15381
Total unique URLs: 112
Total Hits from new URLs this period: 2286
Total new unique URLs this period: 72
Max Hits for a single URL: 8147
Min Hits for a single URL: 2
Average Hits per URL: 137.33
Median Hits per URL: 5
Standard Deviation: 863.46
Times are calculated by subtracting the first time a unique url was seen from the
last time it was seen, for all URLs seen two or more times during the report period.
Max Time for a single URL(min/day): 41741 / 28.99
Min Time for a single URL(min/day): 0 / 0
Average Time per URL(min/day): 11273 / 7.83
Median Time per URL(min/day): 6202 / 4.31
Standard Deviation(min/day): 12851 / 8.92
Top 20 countries that accessed URLs filtered
United States - 9,545
United Kingdom - 938
Australia - 602
NA - 593
Canada - 407
Netherlands - 393
France - 390
Germany - 348
Switzerland - 226
Saudi Arabia - 165
Japan - 137
South Africa - 103
Spain - 99
Italy - 96
Singapore - 92
China - 82
Turkey - 77
Mexico - 77
Sweden - 64
Austria - 60
Statistics for Languages with nonzero urls
Total Hits: 10097
Total unique URLs: 87
Total Hits: 0
Total unique URLs: 0
Total Hits: 0
Total unique URLs: 0
Total Hits: 5284
Total unique URLs: 25
Currently tracking 7 brands that are embedding unique brand codes in
redirect URLs. Brands are anonymized for reporting purposes and reported in order of
total hits.
Hits recorded for 1 of these brands during the reporting period.
Brand 1
Total Hits: 1185
Total unique URLs: 50
Unfiltered data set created by extracting from the web logs all hits that meet the
following criteria:
- Urls of the form '/r/<language>?<url>'
- Url does not contain 'ORIGINAL_PHISH_URL' nor '' nor 'the-phishing-page.html'
Filtered data set created by removing the following:
- Hits containing URLs without either 'http' or both '.' and '/' after
the '?' [removes most improperly redirected sites with partial URLs
that don't provide us with enough information to identify the phishing
- Hits containing URLs that only appear once this period [removes hits
that appear for testing purposes only]
- Hits from IPs that have a known bot signature in their client info or browser
info (eg: 'bot', 'plurk', etc)
- Hits from IPs that hit more than one specific URL per day [removes
hits from IPs that appear to be used for testing purposes]
- Hits from IPs that have been hitting a specific URL for more than a
month [removes hits from IPs that appear to be used for testing
This report was generated by the CyLab Usable Privacy and Security Laboratory (
in collaboration with APWG ( and Wombat Security Technologies (